About ONA
For Nurse Practitioners

As a Nurse Practitioner (NP), the critical work that you do every day helps to keep Ontarians healthy and safe. We understand the issues you face in your work because we have experienced them first-hand.

The Ontario Nurses’ Association is the leading voice in efforts to ensure that you are recognized and acknowledged through collective agreements and workplace contracts.

Our efforts are paying off. There was a significant breakthrough in the 2023 round of hospital central bargaining, resulting in an arbitration decision that provided an average 4.75 per cent wage adjustment to the salary grid and a 3.5 per cent wage increase in year one, with a further 3 per cent wage increase in 2024.

We continue to make it clear that NPs’ wages and work must be further addressed and enhanced, including the implementation of a central NP wage grid, as part of an overall provincial nurse retention and recruitment strategy.

ONA has proven to be effective in our work advancing the interests of nurse practitioners to government:

  • Lobbying government directly, including for enhanced wages for primary care NPs.
  • Meeting with ministers, the premier of Ontario, and their staff.
  • Working in collaboration with other organizations, including the Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario, to address issues facing the work of NPs.
  • As a member of the Joint Provincial Nursing Committee of Ontario, along with the Ministry of Health, College of Nurses of Ontario, employer groups, and nursing associations.
  • Through a pan-Canadian study on the retention and recruitment of NPs with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions.

As an ONA member, you have direct access to our services and membership benefits including:

In everything that we do, we are committed to improving the economic welfare and quality of work-life for our members, enabling them to provide high-quality health care.

To find out more about ONA or to inquire how you can join ONA, please email onamail@ona.org.

We Want to Hear from You!

ONA is creating our own database of NPs in the province so we can share and solicit information, and we want to hear from as many as possible. Please send your name, employer/sector and contact information to NPFocusGroup@ona.org.

Video Greeting to Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioners’ Focus Group

ONA has established a nurse practitioner (NP) provincial focus group to ensure there is a consistent voice for ONA’s NPs.

This focus group consists of five NPs, one from each region across the province, along with ONA staff leads for Professional Practice, Hospitals, LTC and Community; and Angela Preocanin, ONA’s Provincial First Vice-President.

Want to learn more about the NP focus group? Send a message to NPFocusGroup@ona.org.

Meet ONA’s NP Focus Group

Marie Greer-King, BScN, MN, NP-PHC

Marie Greer-King, BScN, MN, NP-PHC

Marie Greer-King, BScN, MN, NP-PHC

Marie completed her undergraduate degree in Nursing at Western University in 2005. She worked as an RN in the areas of pediatrics and postpartum care in London and Stratford hospitals.  She was a unit representative and the treasurer for local 100 in 2009 & 2010.

In 2008 she returned to Western part time to complete the Masters of Nursing degree and Primary Health Care NP program. She has been practicing as a PHC-NP since 2011. She spent her first year of NP practice at the Grand Bend Area CHC and has been working as the only NP at the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital (AM&GH) since 2012.  At AM&GH, Marie provides primary care to patients and their families in the emergency department, prenatal clinic and mental health inpatient units.

In 2017, Marie represented ONA NPs on the NP Wage Grid committee in negotiations with OHA. When Marie is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family in beautiful Goderich.

Natalie Cameron, NP

Natalie Cameron, NP

Natalie Cameron, NP

My name is Natalie Cameron and I am a Nurse Practitioner.  I hold a Masters degree in Nursing from Laurentian University, specializing in Primary Health Care.  My undergraduate studies include a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Laurentian University and a Bachelor of Arts in English and History from the University of Western Ontario.

I have 12 years of nursing experience.  I have spent most of my career in the ICU. Currently I am settling into my new role as a Nurse Practitioner and am learning the realities of our healthcare system and patient experiences that have a significant impact on our professional value, our role and its future.

I am a proud and loyal member of ONA.   In the past, I have held unit representative positions.  Over the years, this expanded to include a position in a local contract negotiating committee.  In terms of labor relations, I find the support and guidance of ONA genuine, professional and strong.

I am excited and eager to participate in this new ONA Nurse Practitioner focus group. As legislation has allowed the role, autonomy and responsibilities of the NP to swiftly expanded over the last decade, we are discovering unique needs within the workplace.   I feel that this focus group is a step forward to understanding, supporting and promoting NP professional practice in our workplaces, so that we may continue to provide the great care that our patients deserve.  I look forward to collaborating within this focus group, with full ONA support.

Sophorn Him, NP-PHC

Sophorn Him, NP-PHC

Sophorn Him, NP-PHC

Sophorn Him, NP-PHC, is serving as a member of ONA’s Nurse Practitioner Focus Group. She has a total of 13 years nursing experience and started her RN career at Cambridge Memorial Hospital with a majority of her work in the Intensive Care Unit.

She pursued further education and graduated from Athabasca University with a Master’s in Advanced Nursing Practice in 2013. She has been practising as a Primary Nurse Practitioner at the Guelph Community Health Centre for the last 7 years providing care to vulnerable populations such as those with mental health, addictions and new immigrants.

In addition, she is ONA’s Bargaining Unit President at the Guelph Community Health Centre. Sophorn is keen on working with ONA and its NP members to represent and voice their interests.

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