ONA’s updated eLearning Platform is available to all ONA members and CNSA students. It’s free and easy to access!
Users work through programs and videos at their own pace and convenience, with the option to download a certificate upon completion.
We are expanding our programs!
We have begun our journey of updating and refreshing our eLearning programs. Over the course of the next year, we plan to launch over 20 programs. These programs will provide members with a better understanding of the following areas: Contract Administration, Professional Responsibility, Human Rights and Equity, and Health and Safety.
On Aug. 31, 2022, we are launching the following eLearning programs:
- The Grievance Process
- The Grievance Arbitration Process
Current Programs
Videos that are already available through ONA’s eLearning Platform include:
Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Beyond Good Intentions: Understanding Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Demystifying Microaggressions and Decolonizing our Language
ONA’s Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression (ARAO) Education Series
Contract Administration
Grievance Procedure
How to be a great ONA Unit Representative
Running your Local/Bargaining Unit
Effective Meetings
Health and Safety
Managing Disruptive Physician Behaviour
Professional Responsibility
Be a P.R.C. P.R.O.
How to be Both a Professional and a Union Member
Making it Count at Labour Management Meetings
ONA Professional Practice
Human Rights and Equity
Drop by Drop: Microinequities in the Workplace
Duty to Accommodate
Harassment, Mobbing and Bullying