Campaigns & Actions
Provincial Campaigns

We are Ontario’s nurses and we represent the front-line experience and knowledge in every health-care sector in the province.

ONA’s strong and collective voice is well-respected and listened to by policy-makers, government, stakeholders and others in health care. Nurses know all too well the many challenges our system faces each and every day.

As patient advocates, ONA members – RNs, nurse practitioners, registered practical nurses and health-care professionals – stand up and are committed to speaking out about many issues that directly affect our ability to deliver high quality patient/client/resident care.

Provincial Campaigns

Our successful and award-winning campaigns underscore the many challenges our members face on the front lines. From not enough RNs within our health-care system to heavy workloads, understaffing and service cuts, we support and promote initiatives that improve and protect public health care in Ontario.

Our campaigns aim to increase awareness and advocate for change, and we work with leaders and members to ensure they reach audiences across Ontario.

Looking for information about local campaigns and mobilizing? Learn more at Access Campaign Resources – Ontario Nurses’ Association (

Our Latest Campaigns

Learn about some of our latest province-wide public awareness and ad campaigns.

Campaign News

“Ontario deserves better”: Front-line nurses and health-care professionals tell the brutal truth about Premier Ford’s health care fail in new ad campaign

TORONTO, ON., October 22, 2024 – Front-line nurses and health-care professionals from across the province are bluntly speaking out in a new series of advertisements about the grim realities of working in Ontario’s underfunded and understaffed public health-care system. They are warning the public that Premier Doug Ford’s dangerous plot to continue privatizing health care will only make things worse.

Registered Nurses and Health-Care Professionals Rally at The Ottawa Hospital to Save Publicly Funded, Publicly Delivered Care

OTTAWA, ON, June 13, 2024 – Members of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) rallied in Ottawa today to fight for publicly funded and delivered health care in Ontario, against the Ford government that has underfunded and under resourced it.

Media Statement: Nurses and health-care professionals picket to protest profits in nursing homes

Toronto, ON, April 30, 2024 – Earlier this morning, dozens of nurses and health-care professionals – members of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) – picketed outside the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management to urge Extendicare CEO Dr. Michael Guerriere to put resident care over profits. Guerriere was keynote speaker at a breakfast meeting where his topic was, “Thinking Differently: Recreating a Health System We Are Proud Of.”
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